Regress unscramble
Regress unscramble

regress unscramble

drop, fall, go down, nose-dive, pitch, spill, topple, tumble, take a fall To come to the ground suddenly and involuntarily.ĭ. dig, drive, ram, run, sink, stab, stick, thrust To cause to penetrate with force.Ĭ. dive, lunge, wade in (or into) To move or thrust at, under, or into the midst of with sudden force.ī. It must be obvious to everyone that the profound significance of the leveling process lies in the fact that it means the predominance of the category 'generation' over the category 'individuality.'"Ī. The leveling process in modern times, corresponds, in reflection, to fate in antiquity. the leveling process is the victory of abstraction over the individual. Leveling is a silent, mathematical, and abstract occupation which shuns upheavals. The ressentiment which is establishing itself is the process of leveling, and while a passionate age storms ahead setting up new things and tearing down old, raising and demolishing as it goes, a reflective and passionless age does exactly the contrary it hinders and stifles all action it levels. And ressentiment not only defends itself against all existing forms of distinction but against that which is still to come. Neither does it understand itself by recognizing distinction negatively (as in the case of ostracism) but wants to drag it down, wants to belittle it so that it really ceases to be distinguished. "The ressentiment which results from want of character can never understand that eminent distinction really is distinction. The reaction of a strong-willed person (a "wild beast"), when it happens, is ideally a short one: it is not a prolonged filling of their intellect. According to Nietzsche, the more a person is active, strong-willed, and dynamic, the less place and time is left for contemplating all that is done to them, and their reactions (like imagining they are actually better) become less compulsive. Complacent self-abasement and a leveling hostility toward higher spiritual achievement result in the form of moral value systems that make a virtue of selfless mediocrity and thus vindicate nihilism in the name of "goodness." Ressentiment comes from reactiveness: the weaker someone is, the less their capability to suppress reaction. Rather than aspire in competitive affirmation to eminent glory, a destructive urge to annihilate the powerful by vilifying their greatness predominates. spare, (Idiom) handle with kid gloves To treat with inordinate gentleness and care.Ī nebulous resentful envy based on repressed feelings of slavish impotence in the face of nobility, which is assigned blame for painful failure in life. countenance, encourage, smile on (or upon) To lend supportive approval to.ĥ. prefer To show partiality toward (someone).Ĥ. (Idiom) take kindly to To be favorably disposed toward.ģ.

regress unscramble

accommodate, oblige To perform a service or a courteous act for.Ģ. advantage, avail, benefit, blessing, boon, gain, profit Something beneficial.ġ. favoritism, partiality, partialness, preference Favorable or preferential bias.ħ. account, admiration, appreciation, consideration, esteem, estimation, honor, regard, respect A feeling of deference, approval, and liking.Ħ. acceptance, approbation, approval Favorable regard.ĥ. beau geste, compliment, courtesy An act requiring special generosity.Ĥ. benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, benignity, kindliness, kindness, oblation, office (often used in plural), philanthropy A charitable deed.ģ. good turn, grace, indulgence, kindness, service, benefit A kindly act.Ģ.

Regress unscramble